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Agriforwards CDT Consortium

Agri-Food is the largest manufacturing sector in the UK, twice the scale of automotive and aerospace combined. However, the food chain is under pressure from population growth, climate change, political pressures affecting migration, population drift from rural to urban regions, and the demographics of an ageing population.

Current agricultural practices are also harming the natural environment, with many species of wildlife facing risk of extinction over the next decade.

Addressing these challenges requires a new generation of highly skilled researchers and leaders in robotics and autonomous systems (RAS) with interdisciplinary expertise. AgriFoRwArdS thus focuses on the development of advanced RAS technologies, which will advance the state-of-the-art in both the fundamental RAS science and our chosen domain of Agri-Food.

The Centre brings together a unique collaboration of leading researchers located at the heart of UK agri-food business, together with the Manufacturing Technology Centre, and supported by leading industrial partners* and stakeholders from across the food, farming and robotics industries. These include John Deere, Syngenta, G’s Growers, Beeswax Dyson, ABB and the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board.

University of Lincoln

The University of Lincoln located in the heart of the city of Lincoln, has established an international reputation based on high student satisfaction, excellent graduate employment and world-class research.

University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge is consistently ranked among the top universities in both national and international league tables, the University of Cambridge offers a world leading graduate education. 

University of East Anglia

The University of East Anglia research is embedded in our outstanding teaching and connects our world-leading academics with society, government and industry.