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Agriforwards CDT programme has started in 2019. Since then the CDT recruited and has been training 5 cohorts of student who successfully completed the CDT MSc course.

Our student group is truly international and they have different backgrounds in Engineering, Plant and Computer Sciences.


Cohort 1: Grzegorz Sochacki -- FINISHED

Research Interests

Soft robotics with a focus on sensing.

PhD Project: 

Taste-Enabled Robotic Chef – On Robots Learning to Cook from Taste Feedback and Human Demonstration

Cooking and consuming food is an important part of human society and culture. Regardless of technological advances, food preparation is still a time-consuming chore most people do daily. Cooking could be automated by introducing robotic chefs, which are robots capable of cooking a significant selection of dishes. This project focuses on exploring how hardware, both actuating and sensing, works in conjunction with control and machine learning algorithms to form a feedback loop in the context of cooking. Robotic chef faces many challenges including sensing properties of food, manipulation and learning from a limited amount of data, but the biggest challenge is the subjective nature of assessing the outcome of cooking. This problem is inescapable as the final dish is judged by the diner who is inherently subjective and the same dish may have a very different palatability for different diners.

This project contributes to research in sensing and learning of the state and palatability of a dish cooked by a robot. It includes using tactile sensing in a robot that presented a raw and well-cooked vegetable to assess readiness and predict the course of further cooking. The project also discusses the use of electronic taste as feedback in the cooking process, where the robot replicates a variation of a dish preferred by a human diner. It was also proven that replication of the chewing process improves electronic taste and allows better classification between variations of dishes. The use of cameras to program robotic chefs by visual demonstration is also elaborated. Novel methods of machine learning for food palatability assessment are also discussed. Finally, most of the methods and systems presented have some subjective input from a human that allows the robot to deal with the subjectivity of food taste by catering to this specific person.


  • Sochacki, G., Zhang, X., Abdulali, A., & Iida, F. (2024). Towards practical robotic chef: Review of relevant work and future challenges. Journal of Field Robotics,
  • Sochacki, G., Abdulali, A., Hosseini, N. K., & Iida, F. (2023). Recognition of human chef’s intentions for incremental learning of cookbook by robotic salad chef. IEEE Access11, 57006-57020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3276234
  • Sochacki, G., Abdulali, A., Cheke, L., & Iida, F. (2023, October). Theoretical Framework for Human-Like Robotic Taste with Reference to Nutritional Needs. In IOP Conference series: Materials science and engineering (Vol. 1292, No. 1, p. 012017). IOP Publishing, doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/1292/1/012017
  • Shi, J., Abdulali, A., Sochacki, G., & Iida, F. (2023, September). Closed-Loop Robotic Cooking of Soups with Multi-modal Taste Feedback. In Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (pp. 51-62). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43360-3_5
  • Sochacki, G., Abdulali, A., and Iida, F. (2022) ‘Mastication-Enhanced Taste-Based Classification of Multi-Ingredient Dishes for Robotic Cooking’, Frontiers in Robotics and AI-Bio-Inspired Robotics, doi:10.3389/frobt.2022.886074.
  • Sochacki, G., Hughes, J., and Iida, F. (2022) ‘Sensorized Compliant Robot Gripper for Estimating the Cooking Time of Boil-Cooked Vegetables’, Intelligent Autonomous Systems 16 (IAS 2021), doi:10.1007/978-3-030-95892-3_17.
  • Sochacki, G., Hughes, J., Hauser, S., & Iida, F. (2021, September). Closed-loop robotic cooking of scrambled eggs with a salinity-based ‘taste’sensor. In 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 594-600). IEEE.
  • Sochacki, G., Hughes, J. and Iida, F., 2021, June. Sensorized compliant robot gripper for estimating the cooking time of boil-cooked vegetables. In International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (pp. 227-238). Cham: Springer International Publishing,
  • Sochacki, G., Iida, F. and Hughes, J. (2021) . Compliant Sensorized Testing Device to Provide a Model-Based Estimation of the Cooking Time of Vegetables’, 16th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, doi:10.17863/CAM.66275.
  • Sochacki, G., Hughes, J., Hauser, S., and Iida, F. (2021) ‘Closed-Loop Robotic Cooking of Scrambled Eggs with a Salinity-based ‘Taste’ Sensor’, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 594-600, doi:10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9636750
Cohort 2: Elijah Almanzor

Research Interests

Intelligent soft robots for soft/delicate harvest picking.

PhD Project: 

Automation and Robotization of the Planting of the ‘Jersey Royal’ Potatoes

The agricultural industry in Jersey faces a considerable technological challenge in the planting of their main product, Jersey Royal new potatoes, due to the lack of available manual labour from Brexit, increase in wages as well as the Covid19 pandemic. Research into robotic technologies for low-cost rapid handling of the seed potatoes from storage to soil is explored in the project. Low-cost robotic arms with suitable grasping end-effectors and machine intelligence will be developed and tested with reasonable speed, accuracy, and reliability. Exploration of minimalistic solutions for locomotion such that the planting robot can be mobilised will also be undertaken.


  • Almanzor, E., Sugiyama, T., Abdulali, A., Hayashibe, M., & Iida, F. (2024). Utilising redundancy in musculoskeletal systems for adaptive stiffness and muscle failure compensation: a model-free inverse statics approach. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, doi:10.1088/1748-3190/ad5129
  • Potdar, P., Hardman, D., Almanzor, E., & Iida, F. (2024). High-Speed Tactile Braille Reading via Biomimetic Sliding Interactions. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2024.3356978
  • Iida, F., Maiolino, P., Abdulali, A., & Wang, M. (Eds.). (2023). Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 24th Annual Conference, TAROS 2023, Cambridge, UK, September 13–15, 2023, Proceedings (Vol. 14136). Springer Nature,
  • Almanzor, E., Birell, S., & Iida, F. (2023, September). Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK, In Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 24th Annual Conference, TAROS 2023, Cambridge, UK, September 13–15, 2023, Proceedings (Vol. 14136, p. 15). Springer Nature,
  • Costi, L., Almanzor, E., Scimeca, L., & Iida, F. (2023, September). Comparative Study of Hand-Tracking and Traditional Control Interfaces for Remote Palpation. In Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (pp. 457-469). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland,
  • Almanzor, E., Birell, S., & Iida, F. (2023, September). Rapid Development and Performance Evaluation of a Potato Planting Robot. In Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (pp. 15-25). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland,
  • E. Almanzor, F. Ye, J. Shi, T. G. Thuruthel, H. A. Wurdemann and F. Iida, "Static Shape Control of Soft Continuum Robots Using Deep Visual Inverse Kinematic Models," in IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 2973-2988, Aug. 2023, doi:10.1109/TRO.2023.3275375
  • Almanzor, E., Anvo, N. R., Thuruthel, T. G., & Iida, F. (2022). Autonomous detection and sorting of litter using deep learning and soft robotic grippers. Frontiers in Robotics and AI9, 1064853,
  • Almanzor, E., Thuruthel, T. G., & Iida, F. (2022, October). Automated fruit quality testing using an electrical impedance tomography-enabled soft robotic gripper. In 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 8500-8506). IEEE, doi: 10.1109/IROS47612.2022.9981987
Cohort 2: Haihui Yan

Research Interests

Mechanism design of robotic systems, vision and perception systems.

PhD Project: 3D Printing Soft Robotic Grippers for Automated Strawberry Harvesting

In 2019, strawberries were the second most produced fruit in England dominating ~21% (141.6 thousand tons) of the market, but achieved the highest fruit value of 2.46 million pounds/thousand ton. However, strawberries are commonly harvested by hand, which is a very labour-intensive job. Moreover, there has been a consistent decline in the number of available pickers, in the autumn of 2019, UK farmers reported a 30 percent shortage in pickers. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a highly effective and smart or human-like strawberry harvesting design to meet this gap. The main challenges to strawberry robotic harvesting are bruising, abrasions and other mechanical damages of strawberries. To address these challenges a new solution is proposed, which involves the design of a gripper structure, allowing highly efficient harvesting of strawberries with no mechanical damages. General rigid robotic grippers have been designed with pneumatic and hydraulic gripper solutions. However, it is often difficult to control the gripper precisely as they are rigid and non-compliant. Soft robotics offers more compliancy and flexibility. They are also 3D printable with more possible solutions.

3D printing of soft robotics has been extensively explored recently. These include a range of soft materials including Liquid crystal elastomers (LCE). They have a lot of potential to overcome current grippers’ problems. They are more flexible, lightweight and they are 3D printable. These characteristics maximise the potential these materials to produce a flexible and compliant gripper suitable for bruise-free strawberry harvesting.

This project will involve the design of a novel 3D printed robotic gripper targeted for strawberry harvesting. This will involve producing a specification for strawberry harvesting and using it to produce a design.

Cohort 2: Haris Matsantonis

Research Interests

obot vision and human-robot interaction, with particular focus on geometric algebra.

PhD Project: Design and implementation of a machine vision system to promote precision agriculture innovation using novel Geometric Algebra techniques.

The aim of the project is to develop state of the art autonomous robots (articulated or mobile) for agricultural production systems. This is a complex problem given the varying parameters of any given situation: changing workspace, the robot’s kinematic constraints, variation in the input sensor data.


  • Lasenby ALasenby JMatsantonis CReconstructing a rotor from initial and final frames using characteristic multi-vectors: With applications in orthogonal transformationsMath. Meth. Appl. Sci. 47 (2024), 12181235, DOI 10.1002/mma.8811.
  • Matsantonis, C., Lasenby, J. (2024). A Geometric Algebra Solution to the Absolute Orientation Problem. In: Araujo Da Silva, D.W.H., Hildenbrand, D., Hitzer, E. (eds) Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra. ICACGA 2022. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 445. Springer, Cham.
  • Matsantonis, C., Lasenby, J. (2023). A Geometric Algebra Solution to the 3D Registration Problem. In: Iida, F., Maiolino, P., Abdulali, A., Wang, M. (eds) Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. TAROS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.14136. Springer, Cham.
  • Matsantonis, C., Lasenby J. and Lasenby, A., A Novel Line Alignment Algorithm using Geometric Algebra, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, Information Engineering & Department of Physics, Astrophysics Group.
Cohort 2: Jack Foster

Research Interests

Deep learning, multi-agent systems and computer vision.

PhD Project: Collaborative Lifelong Learning for Robust Site-Specific Crop Management

Farms are not, in general, homogeneous. As such, the farm-wide treatment and maintenance of crops leads to sub-optimal crop yield or quality. By taking a finer grained approach, crop would receive the necessary care for their needs, rather than the average need of the farm. However, it is impractical for human experts to manually analyse the needs of crop on such a granular scale.

To address this need, we first propose novel machine learning approaches for crop care, such as soil-moisture optimisation via LSTM neural networks. To collect real-time data of the farm a custom sensor system will be developed and several of them deployed to collect relevant environmental data from a small region of the farm.

Finally, to improve the long-term autonomy and overall performance of an agent, a collaborative multi-agent system will be constructed to facilitate the lifelong learning from both an agent’s environment, but also from other agents. This will improve the robustness and performance of agents over long periods of time.


  • Foster, J., Schoepf, S., & Brintrup, A. (2024). Fast Machine Unlearning without Retraining through Selective Synaptic Dampening. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence38(11), 12043-12051.
  • Foster, J., Fogarty, K., Schoepf, S., Öztireli, C., & Brintrup, A. (2024). Zero-shot machine unlearning at scale via lipschitz regularization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.01401.
  • Schoepf, S., Foster, J., & Brintrup, A. (2024). Parameter-tuning-free data entry error unlearning with adaptive selective synaptic dampening. arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.10098.
  • Schoepf, S., Foster, J., & Brintrup, A. (2024). Potion: Towards Poison Unlearning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.09173.
  • Foster, J., Brintrup, A. Aiding food security and sustainability efforts through graph neural network-based consumer food ingredient detection and substitution. Sci Rep 13, 18809 (2023).
  • Foster, J., Gudelis, M., & Esfahani, A. G. (2022). Robotic Perception in Agri-food Manipulation: A Review. arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.10580.
  • Foster, J., & Brintrup, A. (2023). Towards Robust Continual Learning with Bayesian Adaptive Moment Regularization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.08546.


Cohort 2: William Rohde

Research Interests

Soft robotics, manipulation, human-robot collaboration, interaction.

PhD Project: Autonomous monitoring and control of crop growth as a feedback system

The project will model and control the growth of crops in an agricultural setting. The goal is to enable growers to maximise their harvest, by taking advantage of distributed sensing to optimise the use of fertilisers and of automation for crop management. The impact of the project will be the first direct application of feedback control to plant growth in an agricultural field.

Will will work through four work packages. The student will develop: (i) lettuce growth modelling as an open dynamical system, (ii) feedback control algorithms for crop optimization, (iii) distributed sensing technologies, (iv) automation for growth control. The student will take advantage of the facilities of the Department of Engineering of the University of Cambridge (Control prototyping lab, Agripods within the Observatory for Human-Machine Collaboration) and of the industry partner G’s growers (expertise, extensive databases, sensing technologies, automation).


Cohort 3: Bethan Moncur

Research Interests

Food manufacturing, strategic technology management, and industrial sustainability.

PhD Project: Deciding to implement emerging technologies: the help of digital technologies in planning for the implementation of robotics and autonomous systems in food manufacturing firms

Novel technologies are radically changing the way that food is produced, processed, and traded. However, successfully implementing emerging technologies is an important yet challenging task for organisations: they operate within complex, uncertain, dynamic environments where they must make decisions based on incomplete information. Therefore, companies often used tools and techniques developed by technology management researchers (such as roadmapping, scenario planning and scoring methods) to reconcile opportunities and risks associated with implementing emerging technologies. 

Digital technologies can be used to alter the interface through which information is presented to decision makers, thus influencing decision-making behaviour and affecting the decision outcome. The aim of the proposed research is to incorporate AR and VR into technology management decision support tools and study the effects. The focus will be on facilitating decision-making in the context of implementing emerging technologies, such as robotics and autonomous systems, that are necessary for the transition to a more sustainable food system. The insights gained will be used to develop a decision-making tool to test in the agri-food industry. 


  • Moncur, B., Galvez Trigo, M.J., Mortara, L. (2023). Augmented Reality to Reduce Cognitive Load in Operational Decision-Making. In: Schmorrow, D.D., Fidopiastis, C.M. (eds) Augmented Cognition. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 14019. Springer, Cham.
  •  Leeb, C., Mortara, L., Felicini, N., Phaal, R., & Moncur, B. (2023). (Best) Practices in the Integration of Social and Digital Decision - Making Approaches Across Industries. Institute for Manufacturing.
  • Moncur, Bethan; Clawson, Garry; Bennett, James; Fogarty, Kyle; Fox, Charles (2022). Towards Open Source Hardware Robotic Woodwind: an Internal Duct Flute Player. University of Lincoln. Conference contribution.
Cohort 3: Garry Clawson

Research Interests

Digital supply chains, food manufacturing and supply process organisation, traceability and nutrient delivery. 

PhD Project: Designing Food Supply Chain for Nutritional Delivery and Traceability

More than 2 billion people do not have regular access to sufficient food; over 30% of the global population are estimated to suffer from some type of nutritional deficiency, while global food volume production has increased 25% over the last 20 years. There is a global paradox of undernourishment and overproduction. To address this challenge, this research focuses on the intersection of food supply chain, product traceability, and nutrient delivery. It aims to explore the combination of configuration theory and practice on developing and understanding relationships between supply chain design and functionality within the context of food supply chain and nutrient delivery.


  • Carter, SJ, Tsagkopoulos, NC, Clawson, G and Fox, C. 2023. OpenScout: Open Source Hardware Mobile Robot. Journal of Open Hardware, 7(1): 9, pp. 1–11. DOI:
  • Garry Clawson. 2023. A Technology Readiness Level for Blockchain. In Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 249–257.
  • G. Clawson, "Applications of Distributed Ledger Technologies in Robotics," 2023 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2023, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/SII55687.2023.10039183.
  • Clawson, Garry; Fox, Charles (2022). Blockchain Crop Assurance and Localisation. University of Lincoln. Conference contribution.
  • Moncur, Bethan; Clawson, Garry; Bennett, James; Fogarty, Kyle; Fox, Charles (2022). Towards Open Source Hardware Robotic Woodwind: an Internal Duct Flute Player. University of Lincoln. Conference contribution.
  • Clawson, Garry (2022). Sub-SPARC: Investigation of Imperfect Teachers. University of Lincoln. Conference contribution.
  • Dawson, Benjamin; Clawson, Garry; Rogers, Harry; Fox, Charles (2021). Extending an Open Source Hardware Agri-Robot with Simulation and Plant Re-identification. University of Lincoln. Conference contribution.
Cohort 3: Kyle Fogarty

Research Interests

Development of long-term autonomy for robotics, the theoretical development and practical application of computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning techniques.

PhD research: 3D modelling of natural structures

The agri-food industry currently faces pressures including those from a growing population and increased consumption; for sustainable food security, innovation in this sector is needed.  The use of synthetic pesticides to control weeds, insects and diseases is widespread in global agriculture; with increasing regulations and registration costs, the number of new pesticides entering the agriculture market has been reduced1. Now, attention is turning to alternative methods of weeding and controlling the spread of disease; work in the field of autonomous systems has developed robotics that reduces the need for herbicides by deploying camera guided robotic weeding devices. Central to many of these approaches is the application of computer vision to perceive the world and make decisions about the health of plants and crops. A recent paper2 demonstrated that `off-the-shelf CNNs’, the YOLOv3 architecture more precisely, can be used relatively effectively for the detection and localisation of iceberg lettuce. Nevertheless, the author of this paper comments on one of the fundamental issues in these sorts of perception task, the need for lots of training data and the general lack of these datasets. The collection of training data, in the form of labelled training images, can be a time consuming and arduous task. Generative models provide a potential solution to this problem. Generative approaches have proven successful for the synthesis of photorealistic, novel 2D images of objects such as human faces. Recent work has also begun to explore the ideas of generative models for 3D rendering3. This project will focus on the development of 3D modelling techniques of natural structures, like plants and crops, and their applications in tackling pertinent problems in the agri-food industry like the use of pesticides.


  • Foster, J., Fogarty, K., Schoepf, S., Öztireli, C., & Brintrup, A. (2024). Zero-shot machine unlearning at scale via lipschitz regularization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.01401.
  • Zhong, F., Fogarty, K., Hanji, P., Wu, T., Sztrajman, A., Spielberg, A., ... & Oztireli, C. (2023). Neural fields with hard constraints of arbitrary differential order. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.08943.
  • K. FogartyE. AmetovaG. BurcaA. M. KorsunskyS. SchmidtP. J. WithersW. R. B. Lionheart; Recovering the second moment of the strain distribution from neutron Bragg edge data. Appl. Phys. Lett. 18 April 2022; 120 (16): 164102.
  • Yang, J., Fogarty, K., Zhong, F., & Oztireli, C. (2024). SYM3D: Learning Symmetric Triplanes for Better 3D-Awareness of GANs. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.06432.
  • Zhou, C., Zhong, F., Hanji, P., Guo, Z., Fogarty, K., Sztrajman, A., ... & Oztireli, C. (2023). FrePolad: Frequency-Rectified Point Latent Diffusion for Point Cloud Generation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.12090.
  • Moncur, Bethan; Clawson, Garry; Bennett, James; Fogarty, Kyle; Fox, Charles (2022). Towards Open Source Hardware Robotic Woodwind: an Internal Duct Flute Player. University of Lincoln. Conference contribution.
Cohort 3: Paul-David Zuercher

Research Interests

Autonomous systems, immersive technologies and human-robot collaboration.

PhD Project: Low-cost interactive systems to optimise operator performance in the agri-food industry

This project focuses on how immersive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality can be used to optimise large-scale up-skilling. One of the major advantages of these digital training approaches compared to traditional up-skilling approaches such as classroom-based or paper-based instructions is that the entire learning environments is designable. This means it is possible to run experiments and simulations with real users to optimise learning outcomes. Paul’s project will build on his background in computer science and investigate how such an approach could be built. The aim is to explore the potential and feasibility of largely automated solutions allowing faster, cheaper and more scientifically robust optimisation of large-scale up-skilling in industry.


  • Eger, V. M., Georganta, E., Zuercher, P. D. J., Mueller, F., Bohné, T., & Diefenbach, S. (2024). The power of play: gamification in virtual workplace training. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1–19.
  •   Zuercher, P.-D., & Bohne, T. (2024). Discrete Event Probabilistic Simulation (DEPS) integrated into a Reinforcement Learning Framework for Optimal Production. Elsevier.
  • L. Pietschmann, P. Zürcher, E. Bubik, Z. Chen, H. Pfister and T. Bohné, "Quantifying the Impact of XR Visual Guidance on User Performance Using a Large-Scale Virtual Assembly Experiment," 2023 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS), Melbourne, Australia, 2023, pp. 211-215, doi:10.1109/VIS54172.2023.00051
  • Zuercher, P. D. J. (2023). Evaluating hardware differences for crowdsourcing and traditional recruiting methods. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.09913.
  • Farr A, Pietschmann L, Zürcher P, Bohné T. Skill retention after desktop and head-mounted-display virtual reality training. Experimental Results. 2023;4:e2. doi:10.1017/exp.2022.28
  • T. Bohné, I. Heine, F. Mueller, P. -D. J. Zuercher and V. M. Eger, "Gamification Intensity in Web-Based Virtual Training Environments and Its Effect on Learning," in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 603-618, Oct. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TLT.2022.3208936
  • Zuercher, Paul-David and Bohné, Thomas Marc and Eger, Vera and Mueller, Felix, Optimising virtual reality training in industry using crowdsourcing (April 4, 2022). Optimising virtual reality training in industry using crowdsourcing, Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2022), Available at SSRN:
  • Paul-David Joshua Zuercher, Thomas Bohné and Mark Hanheide, Augmenting Strawberry Agronomy: From Systematic Literature Review to Value Flow Map, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK & University of Lincoln, Brayford Way, Lincoln LN6 7TS, UK
Cohort 3: Rachel Trimble
Machine Learning application for agriculture and conservation

PhD Project: Using reinforcement learning to optimise adaptive control of invading plant disease epidemics

Invasive plant diseases threaten agricultural production and natural ecosystems. For example, Xylella Fastidiosa has killed large numbers of olive trees in Italy with future economic impact estimated in the billions of euros. At the same time, the resources to manage these pathogens are limited. Fast responses to outbreaks can minimise the damage. However, this means decisions on how resources are deployed must be made at the start of an outbreak when information about the disease progress and epidemic parameters in a new environment may be limited.

This project aims to explore and evaluate the use of reinforcement learning approaches to optimise control of invasive plant diseases. This will mean building plant disease models and reinforcement learning agents and evaluating the performance of the agents. The work will investigate the simulated cost of control, epidemic outcomes and robustness to uncertainty in the epidemic model. The techniques will aim to be generally applicable but will also be tested with real case studies. 


  • Russell, R., & Cunniffe, N.J. (2024) Optimal Control Prevents Itself from Eradicating Stochastic Disease Epidemicspre-print.
  • Trimble, R., & Fox, C. (2023) Skid-steer friction calibration protocol for digital twin creation. In: TAROS, September 12-15 2023, Cambridge, UK
  • Accelerate AI in Biological Science workshop (May 2023): Can we use Machine Learning to Improve Control of Invasive Plant Diseases?
  • 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology – ICPP satellite event 2023 (August 2023): Integrating Reinforcement Learning and Epidemiological Models for Disease Control Optimisation with Limited Information.
Cohort 3: Vijja (Pat) Wichitwechkarn

Research Interests

Vertical farming, urban farming, controlled-environment farming, robotics and automation, computer vision, generalisation in neural networks.

PhD project: Crop-agnostic optimisation for vertical farms

The proposed research is on the optimisation of the factors that influence growth in plants, with a strong focus on zero-carbon vertical and urban farming. This constrains the developed techniques and technology to be flexible and feasible at different scales, not just at the largest scales as in plant factories. The scope of the project will revolve around the estimation of the metrics to be optimised using machine learning and digital twins that integrate physics-based models with data. The different factors will then be tuned to optimise the selected metric.  The goal is to develop the methods and pipeline to carry out this optimisation in a crop-agnostic manner, such that they can be generalised to a wide range of crops. Additionally, the project will aim to build a demonstration platform that will be used to test the optimisation on a variety of crops.  Although the goal is to diversify beyond the crops that are already well established in the vertical farming industry, a good starting point will be leafy/micro-greens as these are well studied and have short growing cycles.  Strawberries are also a good starting point for energy-intensive crops as they are well-established in the hydroponic community.


Cohort 4: Jack Bradley
Plant diseases (AMR), Machine Learning, Automation, Agricultural Engineering, Sensing (Electrochemical)

PhD Project: Bioreactor arrays for analysis and control of food production using genetically modified microbes

Food production using genetically modified algae and bacteria is increasingly becoming a preferable option for high-value products, such as vitamins [1], and could play an important role in future bioeconomy. Compared to traditional agriculture, this new branch offers solutions to several food-security challenges: water pollution, fertilizer use, climate change, land scarcity, etc [2]. Algae and bacteria can be cultured independent of land, without fertiliser, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, [3] and in limited space, which has also recently gained attention for food production in spaceships and on board of the ISS, where spatial constraints are a critical factor. The biomass production capacities of algal and bacterial species are much higher compared to terrestrial plants and can be easily harnessed with genetic modifications. Furthermore, these organisms can be easily and efficiently cultivated in water without fertilisers, making them an environmentally safe, and sustainable choice for the future food production.  

However, several technological challenges still need to be addressed to realise the full potential of genetically modified algae and bacteria in food production [4]. These include: 1) Low genetic stability of genetically modified microbes (GMMs), 2) susceptibility towards contamination, 3) lack of optimisation for genetic design and culture conditions. Cultures of GMM are susceptible to loss of function due to genetic instability or contaminating cells, which lead to reduced production. On the other hand, lack of a systematic approach to optimise GMMs for production rate and functional stability and selecting conditions where the function and functional lifetime is maximised, prevents efficient use of these systems.  

To address these challenges, this proposal aims to develop a feedback-controlled bioreactor array, which could be used to run parallel production and evolution experiments on GMMs to a) select optimised designs for function and functional lifetime and b) to run distributed production experiments where effects of contamination can be minimised through redundancy and continuous harvest of the produced goods. Furthermore, this array will enable easy optimisation of culture conditions and population size to maximize functional lifetime of GMMs for long-term cultivation in an automated manner. 

Accordingly, the specific aims of this project are:  

  1. Engineer a bioreactor array for parallel production and evolution assays.  
  2. Design and calibrate a control algorithm for feedback control of the cultures and product harvest using optical measurements of abundance and composition.  
  3. Analyse genetic stability of GMMs using this setup through functional lifetime analysis. 
  4. Optimise culture conditions and population size to maximise production. 
  5. Perform test production runs with distributed control for continuous product harvest and elimination of contaminated cultures. 
Cohort 4: Yi Zhang
Soft robotics, robotic manipulation, and control theory 


PhD Project: Data-driven autonomous robotic food handling

The project will develop new reliable data-driven control algorithms for robotic manipulation. Technologies for low-cost handling of food products will be explored in this project. Some low-cost articulated robotic arms equipped with grasping end-effectors will be developed and tested with the reasonable speed, accuracy, and reliability. 

The research will focus on reliable data-driven control algorithms for food manipulation. The student will develop adaptive impedance control through a path of increasing complexity, starting from basic energy-aware control algorithms to a reliable adaptive control framework. This will be paired with mechanical design and prototyping, with the goal of co-designing control algorithms and (compliant, tuneable) hardware. The research will be validated on a commercial robotic system provided by RT Corp. 

The student will have full access to all teaching courses at undergraduate, master, and PhD level, in engineering and wider domains (communication, management, etc.). The student will also learn from a large body of activities at the Control Laboratory, at the Bio-Inspired Robotic Laboratory, and at the Observatory for Human-Machine Collaboration.

Cohort 5: Omar Faris
Soft robots, tactile sensing, neuromorphic event-based systems, grasping and manipulation

PhD Project: Tactile-sensing and augmented reality for robotic manipulation of fruit

Fruit manipulation is a complex task. It is time-consuming, physically exhaustive, causes fruit loss due to human errors, and suffers from shortages as it depends on seasonal workers, making it an ideal application for robotics. However, handling fruits requires high-level robot skills due to different weights, shapes, and textures, to prevent fruit damage and achieve successful picking patterns. The project goal is to combine multimodal sensing (tactile and vision) with augmented reality (AR) to deliver capable robotic system for food handling, in particular fruits. Safe, accurate, and efficient manipulation will be achieved through advanced control of manipulators and through the development of (soft) grippers with tactile and visual sensing capabilities. The robot will be ‘programmed’ using innovative methods based on augmented reality. This is crucial for rapid prototyping / deploying within the unstructured environment, which is typical of the agriculture setting. The student will have full access to all teaching courses at undergraduate, master, and PhD level, in engineering and wider domains (communication, management, etc.). The student will also learn from a large body of activities at the Control Laboratory, at the Bio-Inspired Robotic Laboratory, and at the Observatory for Human-Machine Collaboration.

Cohort 5: Catherine Merchant
sustainable solutions and using cutting-Edge engineering to benefit the environment.

PhD Project: Soft Gripper robot arm for vertical farm

This PhD project aims to develop a soft gripper robot arm for vertical farming, addressing the need for efficient and gentle crop handling. The project will design and fabricate a flexible gripper using durable materials, implement precise control systems with real-time sensor feedback, and integrate the robot within vertical farm environments. Machine learning will be used to optimize the robot’s efficiency. The project combines robotics, materials science, and AI to enhance vertical farming productivity, reduce labour costs, and minimize crop damage, ultimately contributing to sustainable and automated agricultural practices.

Cohort 5: Dimitris Paparas
Distributed Sensing, Wireless Sensor Networks, Edge Computing, IoT, Biosensors, Energy Harvesting, Predictive Models 

PhD Project: Biosensor Development for In-Field Plant Diagnostics and Physiology Monitoring

The project aims to explore the potential benefits of combining biosensing, machine learning, and robotics for in-field plant diagnostics and physiology monitoring. Plant diagnostics will primarily focus on molecular diagnostics platforms that enable early and precise detection and identification of pathogens, such as fungi, as supported by prior work. Biosensor-enabled plant physiology monitoring will also target early disease detection as well as elements of plant growth (e.g., healing, ripening, senescence). 

This project brings device-level developments to the CDT for system-level applications. The project plan aims to solve unmet needs between the industry and state-of-the-art agricultural research within the scope of the AgriFoRwArdS CDT. From a top-level perspective, this project lies firmly within the CDT’s sensing and perception research area but aspires to interact with projects focusing on manipulation, mobile robotics, and automation. Autonomous Mobile Diagnostics Platform, Plant-as-a-Sensor Paradigm, and Olfactory Fruit Harvesting are all subprojects that may be explored under this research theme in collaboration with other CDT students and the industry partner.

Cohort 5: Xiaoxian (Amanda) Xu
Designing and fabricating soft robotic systems, particularly for the dexterous manipulation of biological materials.

PhD project: Robotic Manipulation for Delicate Handling of Soft and Fragile Objects in Agri-food Industries

This research project aims to develop an advanced robotic manipulator system specifically designed for the delicate handling of soft and fragile agricultural products, such as berries and various food items. The primary objective is to enhance current agricultural and food processing practices by improving robotic perception and learning capabilities. This will enable precise and gentle manipulation, minimizing damage and improving operational efficiency. The field of robotic manipulation for delicate handling has garnered significant attention due to the increasing demand for automation in Agri-food industries. Studies have shown that integrating tactile sensors into robotic grippers can significantly enhance their ability to handle fragile items without causing damage (Kim et al., 2019). Advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence have enabled robots to learn from sensory feedback and adapt their actions in real-time. Recent frameworks, such as “code as policies” by Ahn et al. (2022) and "Where2Act" by Mo et al. (2021), demonstrate how deep learning and large language models can be utilized to instruct robotic systems, enhancing context-awareness and interaction capabilities.

Cohort 5: Liyou Zhou
SLAM, NERF, VLA models

PhD Project: AgriVision 2.0: Vision Language Action Robotics in Agriculture

The aim of Liyou's PhD research project is to investigate the use of vision language action models in the agriculture robotic application. With the advent of machine learning, purely modeless data driven robotic planning and control becomes a reality. Advanced capabilities are shown to be possible with self-supervised learning from data. Techniques such as Reinforcement Learning, world modelling, generative AI and language models have been successfully applied to robotics to solve a range of complex tasks. During the study, advanced robotic learning techniques will be investigated in the specific context of agriculture applications. Innovation can be derived from the novel applications and push the boundaries of robotic capabilities and deployment in agriculture.